Day 10 Curnows Hut to Hallett, 79.72km, 5.45.52 hours, 13.8kmh ave. 810m descent, 898m ascent, 10 degrees, wind 9kmh from south, max speed 50.99kmh, left at 8.33am
Out on a chilly morning to the gate and over the bike goes. Its fairly straight to off road tracks and through farm lands and gates to get to the main highway. Its a right on a road to the Bundaleer channel where on top of a hill I'm having a break and 2 cyclist NOBO stop and chat. One checks out the bike and says I should lower my seat it looks a little backward. Good tip. I take a closer look and work out I need to loosen the back screw and tighten the front.
Under a bridge which I think is a railway I see soome cars and Heysen trail walkers doing a day walk by the looks. Its a little more when I go around the reservoir and see the channel coming out from under the road. The trail follows the channel through many gates and occasionally on farm land uphill, and then near where it hits th emain road I come across the hiker form Curnows hut. He opens and closes the last gate, or so I think.
Into Spalding th epubs not open but have a rest and drink at the cafe. Another two NOBO cyclist leave from around the corner. I follow the signs out of the town , cross a suspension bridge ove rFreshwater Creek where underneath on the bank there were fantastic amount of colourfull flowers.
I loose the markers up past the dump when I come to the intersection. I saw the channel going across the road but didnt realise to see the signs of Mawson on the right gate. as I was looking at the left channel . I look at the map and head right which will take me to the channel again. By now I've had enough of the channel and its 100 gates but finish it off crossing a cool bridge, and the channel going across the creek, until the trail turns on the road back past the road I was on, ie I could have short cutted it by following Borve Hill Road.
I miss another sharp left turn as I see the road Im on go into a station, a short back track and onto a road going up hill. This road goes on and on straight past farm crops and takes me closer to the Wind Farms on top of Brown Hill Range. As you get closer to the huge turbines you can hear the sound of them rotating in the wind. A short snack on top then quickly into the valley below and past an old Willalo Hall that has been taken down and all tha tis left is the garden and trees, which is unusual as the farms have cut every tree in sight. Up another hill my energy is waving, arse cheeks sore I hit the top of the next hill and while going downhill checking for signs going left. I dont want to miss another sign.
Past some mud puddles my bike is now covered in mud I head towards town. I think of going to the Hallet Railway Station but choose to stay at the showground. Along the way the petrol station is closed I think at 3.00pm and so the key for the Railway Station is not an option now. I wash my bike at their wash bay area next to the toilets, well done Hallett, not great pressure but thought counts.
At the showground there's only another couple in a caravan from Loxton. I chose not to ring up to get a key and pay the $ being a tight arse. I head to the pub to see if I can get dinner but only 2 other people are there . Kitchen is closed, and after the 2 people leave Im th eonly one. I get a scoth as they dont hav ecider and warm up by the fire. Its 6.15pm and he tells me everyones at the Burra Show and will close at 6.30pm. So I head back to camp and cook up some noodles near the wooden grandstand tha thas tape around it indicating stay out.
Onc eback at my tent Im invited over to the caravaners wood fire and we chat. The lady tells me its going to be cold tinight 2 degrees and its curently 9 degrees. She heads off to bed and I head off shortly after. I decide to wear every piece of clothing except the rain pants and rain jacket. I go to sleep at 8.30pm and wake up at 10.30pm a little cold. I tell myself Im going to freeze to death out here. Why did you choose the 6 degree sleeping bag and not the -10 degree bag. I decide I can't stay in the tent and walk off to see if there ar eany indoor places I can sleep around the showground. Noo. Off to the pub, see if thats an option. No. Wood though and a blanket on the bench outside, borrow that.
I walk to the Hallet Railway Station, a hut for Heysen and Mawson Trail cyclists with 4 bunks, a kitchen , water tank and toilet, to see if there's anyone staying there can let me in or a door is open. I try every door and the 4th one is open, where the bunks are. I am so relieved as I already feel its warmer inside. Walk back to the tent, grab the sleeping gear and ride off to the station. Its 11.30 pm now and I go to sleep occassionally waking up cold when the blanket has fallen off me.