Marion Bay to Stenhouse Bay

As I only have 8 or so kilometres today i get a sunrise video shot before heading back to the campground and packing up. I make sure everything is charged up and watered up before heading off on a warm to hot day. This time I can go out of the caravan park on the beach side and head along the coast to a lookout where I can see a kangaroo feeding on grass near some holiday houses. Pover the hill and see some cockatoos sunbaking on a rock before I head onto a lovely beach called Jolly Beach which has a wreck in the bay. I cna see someone going for a morning swim as I walk on by and head up the middle stairs as I cant see how to get up at the end of the beach. I think its right and walk along these lovely houses.


Then Im in Innes Nat Park and on a track which turns to a very sandy track and becomes a 4wd track heading off right so I follow some well worn trail up onto the cliffs on my left or straight ahead. Then there's no track and so I just walk along the cliff edge trying not to crush sensitve flora in a National park  and head around to the start of Stenhouse Bay. I can see the jetty and some buildings ahead but decide to head off the cliffs and onto the road. An emu runs passed as well as the usual stumpy tail.

Then following the actual WTY trail to the Visitor centre to pay for the accommodation of 3 nights, 1 Stenhouse Bay, 2nd at Pondalowie Beach and 3 at Gym Beach. 

Head off with extra water filled up to the campground and my allocated number in a sheltered but sunny position. I dump the gear and head off to the Jetty for some snaps and by now its blowing a gale of hot wind. A little sleep under the shelter and some lunch before heading back to tent site and putting it up. Some more people arrive in the afternoon and early evening but still a few spots left on our side of the toilets. I try using the BBQ to heat up my water to some success. 

Late afternoon I do the hilltop circuit which is fabolous and see the off shore islands and the coast where Ive decided by speaking to the e bike caravaner to take the road to Chinamans Hat and then walk along a trail to Inneston then take the normal route to Pandalowie Beach the following day.

After seing the view I know its a good decision even if it adds some kilometres to the trek.


Heat up dinner on the  BBQ and head off to the shelter again where I see an Emu family and kangaroos. 

I did see a car stop and take a photo of something on the road in the distance but by the time I got there it had slithered away.

Some birds at sunset which is great, amazingly seeing so many native species just in the campground.