Day 17 Stenhouse Bay to Pondalowie Bay/Beach
So it was an uphill walk along the bitumen road then from the top it was fantastic to see the south coast of Yorke Peninsula and the offshore islands and clearly the Chinaman Hat island.
Down the road and into the Cable Bay campground to get water but no water tank.
Off on the Inneston Trail from the road to Inneston and already I can see some houses ahead so I know its only 1km or 2km ahead.
Nice walk uphill slightly then I hit the main WTY trail and a fire trail into the main part of Inneston.
i m on the lookout for a water tank even though Im carrying 3 literes extra just to fill up my water bottles fo rthe road as its a hot day and not sure of water supply ahead.
Into one of the houses and a water tank I can access without being seen by some workers on the first lodge.
Morning tea there then off again along some fire trails the long way it seems.
Then I hit a narrow single track to the right which takes me all the way to the lake. Its pretty boring scrub I feel and I cna hear the cars on the main bituman road which I think is going to be quicker if I was on it.
I hit Deep lake and have another break under some bushes and go to the water to taste it. Yep salt water , even saltier than the sea it seems.
Off along the lake and then up hill to some taller mallee scrub which seems nicer and see some Emu poo right in the middle of the track. Looking back I can see where Ive been and the huge sandhills between me and the southern coast and Wreck Beach.
Another stop on top then I feel Im closer to the road but Im not until i get a surprise im right on it. A small walk along then across to towards a large sandune but we travel to the right of it to the campground occassionally going off trail as i hit a fence I need to go over but i have arrived at the allocated camground number. I dump my gear at a shadier number as mine is in the sun and make sure there is water in the toilets which there is even with the bees.
I head to the BBQ and have lunch and a hot cup of tea using the second BBQ. The firs twas too hard ot light up but Im getting the knack of how to turn them on.Its hot in that side so rest up on the other side. I decide to empty the pack and take the GPS in reach on the walk I should be doing tomorrow as I have arrived early and it seems out of the way for tomorrow.
As I head off to the point I see a grea tsandy cove and head down there then over to another cove and have a swim. My first and only swim.
Clothes back on and off around the point and back along the beach. There is two fishing boats , one just arriving sheltering in the bay and in the distance I see some surfers. Along the beach and further than expected i head to watch the surferes for some time before its too hot and head along the boardwalk and passed the toilets check for water and back along the road to the campground.
Rest up there in the shade and chatting to a lady and then dinner befor egetting back to the point for a time laps sunset.
At 8.00ish I start walkng back to the campground via the fishing shacks and Telstra Tower of the Van camground.
Passed some campers in the wrong spot I assume havent paid for the camping.
Into bed.