Day 2 Elliot Ridge to Blanket Bay 12km
Sleep at 9.15 but woke up many times during the night. An early wake up 6.45am ish and quick pack up and breaky by myself at the Shelter at 7.45am meant I think I was second out of the camping ground. Restless night- feeling cold and put everything on the bottoms but wasnt cold really , on top didnt wear my shirt.
Today walk was through the forest uphill until a left on Parker Rd which seemed unlike a road but a 4wd track. Past tree ferns and forest it was a lovely walk though I felt disoriented as it was an overcast day and couldnt see the sun so didnt know which direction I was heading. Over numerous streeams and potential mud sections in the wet a more sharper left turn onto Johnson Track where I rested on the bench at the intersection. There are benches today at convenient places to have a drink and snacks, relook a tthe map before heading off.
I saw 1 girl coming my way going the wrong way and 1 bloke who went passed then came back.
A right turn to Blanket Bay Track and a rest stop at the intersection again. Each track getting a little narrower. Then it was onto Telegraph track, narrower still till muddy downhill and single walking track that zig zag down the hill until the beach is reached. Some stone steps helped out here.
On the beach I could hear kids enjoying themselves and wondered if they had walked in but no there was an adjacent public campground accessible by car at Blanket bay that was full house.
Being early around 12.30pm arrival I was able to choose my camping spot on the hill rather than at the front overlooking the beach which was the group area and sure enough the late comers and public were using this area as no campspots in the public campground were left.
The toilets were a little bit of a walk but as I was uphill already no climb up. Though the shelter was down below so returning to the tent was a struggle up the stone steps past some tents by the girls.
At the shelter I came across a lad who had just stopped for a break coming from Otway Lighthouse and doing 30km each day as the campsites were fully booked.
Caught up with people during the day at the shelter for a chat, walked up and down the beach a couple of times as it doesnt get dark till 9.30pm. Had the same group of girls as last night and met 2 new guys, 1 Brad and one was forgot who eventually got Tonsilitis and left the trail from here.
At the shelter I was getting cold just in my shorts and t short so night gear on and off for a walk to warm up before going to the tent.
In bed around 9.00pm listening to my book The Railway Children then needed to take off the beanine and jacket as I was getting hot.
restless night again. Socks off then back on. Shirt on but unbutotned, no gloves required.