Port Arthur to Port Clinton 10km 31 C day.
Good early morning up and about before sunrise over the top of the gulf. breaky and tent pack up without the wind but I can feel the heat already.
Once packed it was off at 7.45am up the road then a left. When I mean up the road I mean it was more upward hill walking until you reach a farm on both sides and some shade trees before turning left at an intersection and the long road walk.
Farmland on the left of wheat fields and some other crop and wombat holes right on the side of the road. Unfortunately no wombats seen as they come out at night time to feed. Rolling hills on the right and the sea and main road on the left. No cars went by while on this road until it came to a Y section then a left turn downhill to Port Clinton township. By now the weather was getting warm and starting to sweat in 28 degree blue skies. I had decided before I left camp I would just walk to town due to the hot weather forecast and now it did make sense.
Across the main road you come to a short walking path to a main walk the yorke feature. Not sure why its not in Port Wakefield or Moonta Bay but they have gone the extra mile here. Along footpath of some description then left to the beach. When I say beach its more like tidal swamp at low tide. Just before the caravan park which I'm hoping is not full as its still school holidays there is a little Fairy village of bright colours.
At the caravan park I'm put right next to the camp office and the toilets as Im advised theres strong winds and cool change a comin.
I'm at the caravan park about 11.10 and check in with Dusty Miller from Wanderers AFL in darwin some time back so we chat about people I know he knows then head straight away to the general store down the road, round the corner and luckily as on a Public holiday Monday it closes at 12.30pm. Not much there but some essential junk food and a tin of fruit for desert.
Back to the shelter across the CP for lunch and watch the crabers walk off into the distance at knee level water levels with their bucket and rake.
I head for a look around the cp, theres a pool but too cold for me water temperature wise even though its 31 degrees outside, and BBQ's. Rubbish is disposed of and back to the shelter to hang out. The wind is picking up and forecast is not looking good. I more my tent a little closer to the office to block the wind and it seems to be doing the trick.
I get a bit of charging up the electronics in the back toilet but not much is required as my phone cord is broken (but managed to use the drone cord) and then hang out under the biggest tree nearby as the wind picks up and sun belts down.
Off for another walk around town before dinner and then bring everything inside the tent ass the thunde ris heard in the distance and dark clouds appear on the radar on my phone. It looks like it will miss us but the wind is strong and so head for the tent to keep it down along with rocks on each peg. No sleep and then when I think its clear the rain starts at 11.00pm. The tent is now flapping away and rain patting down so no sleep till 1.00am. But the tent is holding up.