Day 26 Port Victoria to Balgowan

Today was going to be tough as it was all inland today with no coast or beach walking. While that might sound good no as it turns out to be with a headwind and through low salt plain vegetation.

The day starts of walking right along the path 20m from the caravan park along a walking path past some flash houses but soon you leave the big smoke and reach a communicaiton tower and look back then look ahead of the flatish plain ahead.

You come across the gate to the entry to Aboriginal land so thank you for allowing acess, but its salt plains on the left, a fence and poor farmland on the right. There ar esome hills but very little trees. 

We are walking on a 4wd track and in some parts several as people decide to make their own especially when its wet with salt laden puddles of dried up water.

coming across to the Point Pearch shelter was a welcome relief which had trees a shelter but no sides to prevent the wind from ripping through. It wasnt hot wind nor cold but just blowing a gale so you walk head down, music or something on and keep following the roads.


The only other interesting things was an old water tower to take a break at and a boat about 2 kilometres inland in the middle of nowhere.


I think of going to Chinamen Wells and then walking along the beach to Balgowan though its not marke don the trail but decide no because of uncertain of whether I could walk along the beach. It turns out onc eI get to Balgowan that you probable can but today it would have been soft sand and headwind.


At Balgowan theres a kiosk open still serviing hot food before the kitchen closes and I but lunch, and get a tin of peaches for a desert as well as usual snacks in between like chocolate mild and packet of chips. 

I set up camp in the campground next door about 15 bucks to the caretaker in caravan on lot 16.

A few walks around town after a hot shower and some clothes washing to check it out and then back to the kiosk for dinner and but some breakfast as well.

Into bed on sunset.