Day 3 Rawsley Station to the turn off to Chigwidden Dam off the Outback Highway 55.16km, 3.00:19 hours, ave 18.44kmh, ascent 343m descent 516m max speed 43.10kmh, left at 7.25am
Woke up before sunrise this morning as I needed to go to the toilet which was 200m away. An opportunity for photos over the lake.
This morning was another beautiful cool morning leaving the station along the main gravel road then to the Flinders Ranges Way road. Along the bitumen for awhile, very little traffic and stopped off on the left to the Elder Range lookout and from there could see that I would be in the valley between the Heysen and Elder Ranges.
Off the Bituman and along the magnificent the Moralana Scenic Drive. Shortly along the road was a flock of emus checking me out. see the photo. Shortly after the SOBO cyclist I have been meeting with Trezona and at Rawnsley, catches me up and heads off scaring the emus who then are chased by him for some time trapped between him on th eroad the the right fence line. They eventually cross ove rot the left then two decide to go running in front of him for what seems like a long time before moving to the right side.
I get the drone out at the intersection of the Heyson Track crossing the road and once again it only goes 30 x 30m so I get the best I can. I'm also waiting for the perfect shot of the Elder Range which never comes so I should have taken a shot earlier than later with the morning sun on the East side of the range.
I think of heading to the Black Gap on the right as it has water but decide a 3km detour is too much each way and continue on. After yesterdays big day my legs are fatigued and its a warm day.
I have a break at the 1870 old yards and have a couple of cars overtake me and some coming towards me but its a very quiet road and there tourists so they are not travelling fast.
We pass around the north of the Elder Range following the creek onto the flat with views of the Wilpena and Bunbinyuna Ranges to the north and Elder Range to the south. Its not long before coming to the Outback Way Highway. I decide to clean my chain now off the dirt with a rag and get the rag caught up in the chain cogs and the chain can't move. I am in the middle of nowwhere with a chain that's jammed. Well when I say moddle of nowhere suddenly 3 caravaners are passing by off to Merna Mora Station campground a few kilometres west. So I have to take the back wheel off to reset the chain and a bit of lubrication and I'm off again only briefly where I head off to a landmark and rock cairn of the old telegraph line that went from Adelaide to Darwin.
Along the highway which on a map apears flat is actually up and down but I hit the turnoff at 12.00. I have arranged for the pick up by my brother for 1.00pm before I left but tried texting him to come at 12.00 instead. I lookout for every car but nothing so I decide to have lunch on the old railway line, which I don/t realise until later on as it was all dirt and no gravel stones which usually is left behind after the clear the sleepers and tracks. Its getting too hot in the sun so I shelter in the only bush above 2m in the vicinity keeping a lookout at 1.00pm for he car.
At around 1.00pm my brother arrives only stopping because he saw my bike on the Mawson trail post and we tie the bike to the carrier and decide to head north to Parachilna, where I have another lunch. Off to Blinman through the gorge then the road to Rawnsley Station where camp is again. The road from Parachilna to Blinman really surprised me as it goes through some big hills and through the magnificent gorge where dozens of caravaners are camping in the creek bed and along side. We tried to get into Mt Little Station for accommodation for tonight but it was booked out so we had to change plans and get picked up from where there was not too much of a hassle. I dont know why it was booked out the next day I see its a huge station where you could camp with no one around for 100m.
Once at Rawnsley I have a shower and then head to reception to get the best wifi and upgrade the firmware on the drone controller but I also have to have the drone on to sync. This fixes the problem for the rest of the trip. Something I need to do before travelling.