Day 4 Chigwidden Dam turn off to Hawker, 41.48kmh, 2.46:47hours, ave 14.9kmh, max speed 38.16kmh, ascent 295m, descent 247m 17.8 degrees celcius, 2kmh NNE wind, left at 9.33.


Late start as it was now daylight saving and the clocks went forward 1 hour plus we had to drive 26km to Hawker then another 26km or so to the drop off point. Im looking for the track to tell my brother to stop and looking out for the railway mound I had lunch at yesterday as well as any recognisable land features. I spot the track but you could easily have gone past it.


Out of the car and onto the bike I come across a gate in the first 100m. I stop off at the dam and check out the ruins nearby. I follow the dirt track that seems to connect each of the water tanks that I am assuming water the sheep, but I havent seen any.


Along way down with the Elder Range on my left, I have about six 4WD in a tag along coming my way so I move off the track. Each one asks me if I'm alright, reply yes and they continue on. I see a couple of cyclists who I think are Mawson Trail riders but they have no gear and they turn off towards the Elder Range, checking out a dam, ruin or somehting down one of the many tracks going that way. 

I enter Mt Little Station through the gate and past the barking dog and decided to climb with 2 legs a steep hill to get some drone and photos. I could have gone further following the red markers but decide Ive done enough exercise for one day and head down, recommencing the ride. 


Out of the station road at speed I miss the turnoff to Wonoka Station and have to go back 500m or so. I checked out the map and GPS but they were useless so I went back to the sign I saw of the Mawson Trail. Sure enough more signs indicated turn left. Through the Wonoka Staiton gate I was following the power lines until the rough track got steeper then I was hiker bike to the top.


Once on top it was fairly flat on a treeless plain in a valley. It was here it really hit me how dry the place is and how droughts could turn it into a dust bowl. This was probsbly the greenest its ever been with all the rains they have had but it was in stark contrast to the trees and foliage I've seen on the previous two days.


Some drone action before heading along Wonoka Station road and a side trip to the car dump looking for any HR Holdens. No so continued on crossing a deep sandy creek crossing which stopped me in my tracks then to Hawker and the caravan park at 1.30pm where my brother was set up. Went to the takeawy shop where the kitchen closes at 2.00pm and fully closes at 3.00pm.


As it was a Sunday the grocery shop was closed so I got a tin of baked beans from the petrol station for breakfast tomorrow and spent the rest of the afternoon and evening charging all the electronics from the great kitchen we happened to be next to, basically took it over. A shower and the rugby league grand final was on. Poor Paramatta got flogged.