Day 4 Cape Otway Campground to Aire River 10km
Woke up at 6.00am because the boys Matt and Dan were chatting by the toilets before they departed around 6am. They were getting an early start as it was predicted to rain at 10.30am.
The French couple Lilly and Jonas left about 10 minutes before me and I left around 7.20am, so an early start by all.
It was sandy up and down rolling hills to start with and an easy terrain and good pace.
There was a track on the left going towards the beach but no signage so after a photo of Station Beach I went onwards.
There was a clear sign of Rainbow Falls left a kilometre or so and that's the track I took. Boardwalk down to the beach.
A tramp downhill to the beach where I could see Matt and Dan in the distance on the beach and as I hit the beach I saw the Frenchies.
They were resting and I had a quick drink and moved on trying to follow Matt or Dans footsteps in the soft sand. There was no hard sand at waters edge nor hard sand at the grass edge.
It was an overcast day and a little wind which made it hard yakka to get through but it was only a short beach 2km or so before ea big yellow sign indicating uphill to rejoin the inland track.
Once back on the track though heathland near the Escarpment lookout (overlooking the mouth of the Aire River) I caught up with Matt and Dan then the Frenchies caught up too. We talked about the orchords on the trail and I needed help in identifying what they look like as distinct from a flower plant.
Overtaken by 2 guys who I saw the day before doing an out and back and stayed at a caravan park near Cape Otway that is not on the trail maps.
Downhill until the track met a sandy 4wd track and right turn along to the bridge. The sandy track headed to the river Aire mouth where there were some 3 or so surfers enjoying the great waves rolling in. /near the bridge were a family playing in the sand and swimming.
Across the bridge the Aire river west campground was, a lack of signage ahead but past the toilets and up the path's steps to the GOW campsite.
Brad was staying down below waiting for his father to arrive on his motorbike. Matt was coming up and I think set up his tent before managing to get a lift out to the 12 Apostles and his car ending his trek because of the blisters.
So it was me and the Frenchies for awhile as I arrived at 10.13am and set up at campsite 4 near the track to the toilets and shelter
The 4 people from our last campsite had lunch in the shelter and left behind their chocolate half melted. Some rubbish was already left in the shelter from past walkers. 13km to go.
Brad came up and down and we all went for a dip (cooling the legs) in the river well dip for me and swim for them (or a wash with soap) before lunch.
Drank more today maybe 2 litres as its a humid day and trying to dry off the short.
After lunch I had a swim as the weather was getting hot, humid.
Lots of hanging around chatting when late in the afternoon rain hit and we went either into the tents or in the shelter.
Another couple Tom and Becky I think( as auto correct has her Because) arrived and likewise hid in their tent relaxing in the rain.
With dinner in the shelter Brad came up with a packet of chips for us to eat, thanks to his mum giving it to his Dad for us.
Then around 9.00pm hit the bed with a few drops of rain mainly bigger ones coming off the bushes onto the tent surrounding my tent.
Phone reception is sparse but on the higher hill tops there is usually some access either 3G or a bar of 4G but not in the valleys.
All water tanks are 3/4 full so no worries with water, and filtering it. The Frenchies don't have a filter and are doing fine.