Day 4 Macs beach to Parara campsite via Ardrossen
I pack up the tent and for breakfast have the rest of the water.
I head along some 4wd tracks running in the direction I'm going which in some places is heavy sand walking. They eventually disappear or all go to the one track along the fence line where the harvester was until Tiddly Widdly road appears on an angle from the right which is the bike section road.
Through tiddly Widdly shacks until the toilets are reached and I check out the parks taps, no luck but get some water from the toilet's hand basin to fill up one litre bottle with filtered water. All good now. I have a mueslie bar too now I have water.
More cliff top walking until I reach some track down to a gully then along and around to some steps down , across the jetty and then up some more steps, my legs are feeling it right now. Into the towns park where I see the Walk the Yorke sign Ardrossen to ? then head straight into the main street past the stump jack grader and the war plaques, memorials.
I don't get far into town when I hit the cafe for a hot chocolate, gatorade and a cookie. Onto the shops where I stock up again with what I can and buy water for my drink bottles.
Then with batteries running low I ask two girls for where the library is and they lead me astray but do say its in the middle of the school.
Its school holidays now so no kids at school, only a parent and child on the playground so I head into the middle of the school and ask the parent where the library is. Not far but I see the main road is also just there and easier to find, thanks girls.
I charge up my battery and phone. Head across the road for lunch and back again to about 2pm before taking off again with my backpack in tow all the way. Back along the main road to the turn off point so not to miss an inch of the trail Im back on to Parara campsite.
Along not just far from town past the mine site black clouds pass ove rand dump hail. Fortunately I saw it coming for rain and got my backpack cover on and rain gear before it hit and luckily a telegraph pole and tree for cover. I say luckily as there are few trees around here.
Once I hit the bech area there is a memorial to whale stranding and some big rocks and then off to the campground. Theres a few cars and caravans maybe 3 spread out around. I camp nearest the biggest tree on the non wind side and settle in for the evening including going to the beach 3 or so times. Its cold and 2 cars have a small campfire blusting in the wind.
I didnt check the Mitre 10 for any gas canisters, only see one at a closed service station in Stansbury.