Day 5   Ormiston Gorge to Herman's Hideaway (17km mark) , overcast sky 11.4degrees C to 28.4 degrees C max. Moderate to Difficult rating


5.30am wake up because of the other walkers decided to get out of bed, wake each other up, talk and use their headtorchers to pack up their tents. WTF. I got up though around 6.30am when it was getting light and had a relaxing breakfast of baked beans and tea.

Unfortunatley despite putting my rubbish in the box I had collected I forgot to put a baked beans tin so carried that tin for the next 4 days, doh.


I thought I had lost my tent pole bag but at  morning tea found it in my pocket. As I was leaving at 7.30am I noticed the Sydney siders that had got up at 5.30am were still outside the kiosk along with some other early risers.


The track follows the road for awhile before going sharp left once you enter the creek bed. Along the south side of the range I came across a group of 4 and some others coming my way. The rocks were amazing but as they were in the shade they were not spectacular to get good photos. In the wet it would be great to see the water coming down the waterfalls, which were all dried up now. I had a heavy pack and full of water as I was staying up on top today overlooking Mt Giles. 


I was first to set up camp on top and managed to quickly get the drone up and about as when I was mos tof the way up the hill I saw agroup of 3 coming up. They also camped nearby. I set up the tent in the full sun to get the views and hanged around in the shade as it was getting hot and the flies were buzing around. I had lunch and plenty of water this time and just enjoyed the views with my fly net on my head. Around sunset the flies stopped and the mosquitoes came out so it was a few quick photos then in the tent for some podcast time and sleep at 7.30pm. as it was hot I left the tent fly doors open to get some cool air in overnight when around 4am ish it cooled down enough to get right in the sleeping bag.