Day 6 Johanna Beach campground to Ryans Den 14km
Left Johanna campground at 915am.
Woke up at 5.30am before the birds woke up. But fell asleep again. But got out of bed at 6.55am. Usual breakfast but not the firs tup, 3 others having breaky.
Early in the morning around 4.30am the pole came down, pole on the outside normally on the Yorke I have had the pole on the inside but i think it should go on the outside. Either set it up straight if on the outside or go back to the inside.
no rain but everything was wet both inside and outside.
Left this morning first and a short distance form the campground is a great viewing grassland overlooking the ocean. Following the grass mowed track we come through a gate and overlooking the valley and farmland. Uphill there are some kangaroos wondering who or what is coming there way, about 10 in all. Then grass track to another gate and the start of a Hilders accest track. Being out first though I was able to scare off some kangaroos eating the grass on the hill.
Brad caught up to me and we walked together to the intersection of Milanesia Track where some surveyors were working.
Frenchies caught up as Brad stopped to change socks as we got wet feet walking on the wet grass at the start.
Then we walked together ish downhill to Milanesia Beach from the intersection. We could see some track maintenance worker and a quad bike making tracks on the wet downhill track, across the beach and up again. We would catch them wipper snipping after the beach.
I got at Ryans Den 2nd, 132 steps up before and set up down below at number 1 campsite. The Frenchies came next and followed by others around 1.30pm.
We picked up 2 more peeps holly and Alex friends who camped at the closest campsite to the shelter and had done 20km ish today from Aire River.
We all sat and watched the sunset from the lookout before going to bed, sleeping at 10.00pm. from the lookout you can see both ways, back to the beach or to Cape Volney and a rock island.