Day 7 Bushy Park to Jeffries Track 3 January 2022
Minimum temperature 11.3°C with a max 21°C near Lachlan, some afternoon and overnight showers .4mm. 6.47am start, 23km, 1 hour 46 minutes cycling time Ave 12.96km/h, Max 63.55km/h, 478m elevation, 597m descent to New Norfolk, from New Norfolk 10.1km, Ave 10.10km/h, Max 32.55km/h elevation 290m and descent 34m
5.10am woke up and departure at 6.47am to cross the Styx and then the Derwent River and the rail line coming from near Westerway to New Norfolk. I manage to ride all the way to Black Hill Road’s hill and then walk stopping every 25m elevation to the top breathing heavily on the stops. It’s a long walk up hill but looking back you get great views of the Derwent Valley. Occasionally I ride a short distance but it’s mostly walking this morning. I thought I came for a bike ride but its turning into a hiker bike adventure. The downhill run is fantastic and I follow a car in front. Into the suburbs of New Norfolk, cross the Derwent River again and head to the campsite at the Trotting Park which I miss as the GPS wanted me to keep going to Judbury. I stop and assess the campground, its only 9.30am, it has long grass, the closest toilets are average to say the least so I shut the gate and head into town via MacDonald’s first for some fries and a hot chocolate. Woolworths is next door but I decide to go to the Post Office to unload some gear before the big climb. It’s Monday but a New Year’s Day holiday so it’s shut and figure never to do a bike ride over holiday season. I head back to Woolworths for some shopping when I come across Mr Sutherland and we start chatting. So he was rushing to get to Mt Field National Park to do some walks yesterday. He said it was well worth it. Funny I didn’t see any signs of Mt Field but later research finds that the road at Westerway is on would lead to Mt Field. I get an arm full of food and head down the road to a park to eat the punnet of strawberries. I continue onto Lachlan and stop off at the local park and eat lunch. I left at 11.22 for the uphill section looking for a campsite and getting as much distance uphill before tomorrow’s climb. There are no facilities or shops at Lachlan or camping spots to be found.
I cross over the Lachlan Bridge then walk up the dirt road and Jeffries Track until I find a suitable campsite next to the road on the right. I stop at 12.30pm and fall asleep until 3.15pm. I feel refreshed enough to walk around. I pick up a lot of rubbish at the campsite and put them all in one place, there are motor bike boots, someone’s household rubbish, letters and all, concrete, bottles, cans etc. I see the following day people have dumped car bodies and hard rubbish like a fridge over the side of the road. It seems oldish but people are continuing to do it.
Only a couple of cars have gone by including a quad bike of sorts. The weather is cooler so I’m in my long johns, socks, t-short and jacket as it was 14°C where I was. You feel hot pushing your bike up hill, sweat then the sweat cools you down with the breeze or the riding. So this is how it works, well it doesn’t in Darwin you just sweat and there’s no cooling factor.
I manage today to get ahead of schedule by going the kilometres towards Judbury, knowing tomorrow was going to be a big day.
I have a noodle cup for dinner, still carrying the freeze dry food, but the soup will be better. I’m asleep by 8.00am.