Day 7 Serpentine Chalet Dam to Serpentine Gorge 7.0 c to 23.9 c 13.4km Hard 460m up 380m down
At 5.45am the whole campsite was awoken by 4 walkers walking through the tent site on their way to Counts Point with their lights on. I think they started at Ochre Pits but it didnt matter as someone had set up their tent on the trail and the group nearly walked into the tent.
After breakfast it was a 7.45am departure before coming across a few campsites and up the very steep hill/mountain to a very windy Counts Point. Fortunately the sun only rose near the top of the hill. Once on top however it was blowing a gale. I dropped off the pack at the corner of the track that goes right and the top. I pack some snacks in the little backpack and the camera gear.
4 people were coming back from the point I'm thinking the 4 that woke us up before so no hello's from me. I walked 700m to the point and it was still too windy for the drone. I was afraid it might blow off or never come back against the wind. I have the Point all to myself and have morning tea. It was a great view for sure.
At the point there was some campsites all with rock walls to protect the tents from the wind. There was no way I could have used a tent here and likely would have cowboy'd camp.
A long walk along the hilltop ridge with endless views before the first of the tour groups coming up. I could not believe there were people over 80 doing it and many 70 years old all with their walking stick water bottles and small backpacks with their leader carrying a huge backpack.
At the end of the hilltop ridge a sharp right to start the downhill walk. Near the bottom you feel the trail is going away from the Serpentine Gorge which you can see easily then I go past the Food Drop shipping container and the car park and signage. I guess the trail follows the trail to the Gorge ad see the blue triangles confirming my thoughts. The Larapinta trail goes right to the shelter and the other trail to the Gorge.
7 people were already there. Someone had lunch provided by her parents from town while others were heading off to the Food drop storage to collect their food.
It was a blustery night and i had pegged and rocked every tie ropes but still hoping the tent won't blow down.
Dinner at the usual 5.00pm at the shelter and chatting away with the people heading west especially Anne and Michael from Mosman.
2 people came late near nightfall.