Day 8 Devils Kitchen to 12 Apostles Info centre and return to Princetown 25km
Got cold last night or anxious about the cold. Prior to going to bed I put on every piece of clothing I had bottom and top and the sheet over legs but still felt butterflies in the stomach, no shivering and felt nice and toastie.I had 2 pairs of socks, undies, shorts, long johns, a top I found where I used the sleeves for my legs, and rain pants on, t-shirt, long sleeve thermals, shirt, puff jacket, rain jacket then on head -buff over mouth, cap, puff hood and rain hood plus gloves on. Only thing I had left was 2 pair of undies.
Went ot the toilet, then did 10 squats to warm up but only cold was around my ankles and wondering how with 2 pairs of socks get cold feet. It doesnt get cold till 5am so its was 18 degrees when I went to bed.
Woke up at 6.00am packed up the tent of number 8 then headed to the shelter to make breakfast then went back to the lookout near the campspot to eat breaky all by myself. No one up or awake.
The Frenchies and Brad have scored a lift with the newbies Holly and Alex back to Melbourne and so are all walking together.
Departing at 7.08 am from campsite.
Some walking along the top of the cliffs. The track is overgrown on this section and the brush is scratching my legs along the way. Trees, logs over the track.
Original plans was a tent site at Princetown oval but after last night.
Options of tonights with temperature down to 12 degrees was
A get some reception at Princetown and book a room for the night at Princetown, Apostles or Port Campbell
B Leave tent and empty pack at Princetown in the campground or if accom booked at Princetown same.
C take everything to 12 Apostles and either buy some tourist clothes and walk back or
D if no clothes at 12 Apostles then walk to Port Cambell and buy dinner and something warm, a blanket or clothes and walk all the way back or taxis back to Princetown
E buy the floor mat Holly and Tom had outside their tent, so wait for them at 12 Apostles to arrive then walk back to the campground.
F get a hitch back to Princetown or even back to Melbourne.
Just before Princetown the single overgrown track starts to change to a limestone white rocky and tree less track then there was a 4wd track and a camping spot for the public as witnessed by their camp fires and broken fences to keep them out. You can see farmland on the right hand side and in the distance some 3 wind turbines, not moving at the moment, very still and overcast day expected 21 degrees celcius. Past the campspot the track again returns to single track before views of the mouth of the Gelibrand River can be seen. Then its a zig zag down the sandy path to a dirt car park and begining of a dirt road by turning right. I see a sign left behind of soeone who has lost their GPS somewhere nearby then the next day see the sign gone so hope she got it back.
I follow the road, quite deep sand in places to go past the Princetown Reserve and plenty of campers. There is a narrow gate I go through and stop at a nearby table to look up and google maps for nearby accommodation.
I'm in luch the 13 Apostles Backpackers has bunks and a single room with a double bed at Princetown so head straight there via the pontoon bridge and wooden walkway to the town.
I manage to see someone outside who calls out to the manager and he gets me to check in but issues with website but room is booked. So I drop off mos tof gear its only 9.30 am and leave at 10.00am with a much empty pack down the block beofr erealising I left the tripod back at the accommodation so a little circle back and picked it up and off again. I nesrly miss the turnoff to rejoin the trsck sfter the bridge but see 1 of the 5 signs pointing to my left. I have seen anyone form last nights camp and continue solo for the next 6-7km though ups snd down of mostly sandy tracks. I come across 2 girls coming my way without packs and soem others near the Gibson Steps as a tourist lookout.
Soon enogh with views of the 12 Apostles I reach the lookout, the sign of end of the walk and views of the ocean and the 100's of tourists at the steps and on the beach below but also the helicopters whizzing by.
Its on to the car park of the Gibson steps then onto crossing the road underneath and to the tourist info centre. I but 3 banana bread, can of solo, iced chocolate (no hot drinks) and a packet of crisps and an ice cream. What a lunch then head off across the road again underneath to the 12 Apostles lookout, where I do not take a selfie but sit down and relax seeing everyone else trying to take one amongst the crowd of a shot of themself and the ramains of the 12 Apostles.
About 2.00 I decide to head back via the tourist centre, toilet break and see the thousand cars in the car park and head out without buying any more food.
Pas tthe car park of the Gibson Steps, past the lookout, one more time and head back to Princetown and the ups and downs, stairs and boardwalks.
Arriving at Princetown about 3.30pm I relax in the room and watch TV helping out the visitors get keys before going for a stroll around town and the swan lake nearby. Town done in half an hour back to some more TV and dinner of cheese and rice cakes. No more noodles thanks for awhile.
The next day is a 10.45am bus from nearby the swan lake so plenty of time to go for a walk to the river mouth, through Princetown reserve and back, have breakfast then another trip to the lake and wait for the bus. While I hav emy 2 backpacks a tthe bus stop sign, some cheeky bugger stops his car from somewhere, reverses back, nearly has a car crash , gets out of the car then sees me on the other sid eof the road on a roack before realising their mine. Im not sure if he was going to steal them or after finding them drop them off somewhere like a poice station. Anyway the bus arrived right on time and off to Apollo Bay via the inland route and past farmland and forests, up and over, round and round the hills with the occassional glimpse of coast.
Its a few hours wait at Apollo Bay befor eht e 2.15 ish bus to Geelong arrives so lunch in town. A little half hour rest on the beach that has hundreds of people on it and then some shade time before catching the bus to Geelong. A quick stop in Geelong Station before a late train arrives but still earlier than my pkanned train to Southern Cross Station. As it arrives most of the shops at the station are closed or near empty so only a yogurt is bought. Bus ticket bought pack in one arm, little pack in other and Yogurt in hand Im denied bus entry until the Yogurt is gone. Well I star teating it slowly and the bus closes the rope and takes off but before asking did I want this one or the next. Im not in a rush so I catch the next bus which becomes quite full with bags flying off the luggage storage compartment, very unsafe for passengers on the opposite side.
At the airport Im still too early to check in and wait 15 minutes before 2 hour opening of bag drop off. Somehow I stuff up the baggage and forget to go to the kiosk to check in and print the bag tags. I went straight to bag drop off expecting that to print the tags. Anyway all good and security is not busy and ge tto the restuarant area for some seaweed roles and more waiting for the 9.30pm plane. absolutely full except fo rth emiddle seat next to me.
Off to some occassional sleep to arrive in Darwin and get a taxi home with a 1.30am arrival.
All good safe at home and a happy dog to greet me.