Day 9 Judbury to Dover

54.1km, 12°C Minimum temp and 18.6°C max with some rain.  Ascent 839m and descent was 1,415m. 4.09:10 hours of riding time. Ave 13km/h and Max 49.21km/h, Start 6.51am


I woke up at 5.20am but no rain overnight, the cloud cover was still low over the surrounding mountains but not enough to produce rain over the Huon Valley. I am experiencing sore shin pain that feels grizzly to touch and definitely not just sore muscle ache. I take 4 panadols but it still hurts.


6.51am departure and like usual the Trail takes you onto a dirt road and up a hill to the forestry and logging roads. I know why they do it because once you're on top there is some of the most beautiful nature you can find, its just that you have to go up to get to it. Some steep sections this morning to walk but mostly through the quiet logging forests roads with some existing natural forest but I miss the turn to the right road that then comes down the power lines so when I hit the powerlines coming down the hill I ignore the GPS and get confused on the trail marker and decide to go down the hill 100m only to find a dead end and so back up again. When I reach the top again I now understand the Trail signs indicating to go up the powerline hill/down the powerline hill and turn right. The road that I took was great and the right road seems to go back up hill and then down a really steep hill? I think the Trail designers were hoping you would get great views of the mountains in the distance but today was overcast and no distance views was to be had. So choosing the left road (old Duncan Road) was right just don’t go down the powerlines but continue straight. The road is mostly wide but for a few potholes and tree branches to avoid so the brakes are on in the downhill section.


I avoid a peacock crossing the road, and view pigs and alpacas before cruising into town by 10.30am. I reach Geeveston and stop at the One stop shop for a hot chocolate, Maximus drink, chocolate bar and am convinced on having a GF chicken kebab. The pain in the right shin means I hobble into the store and out again.


I look at the Geeveston to Dover section on the Trail guide to find 4 hills and 32km to go. There was no viewing the campground along the way but off towards the golf course uphill, uphill some more and start walking where the forestry logging starts and the farms end. Some new scenery today and Im most interested in the Bobs Plains area as it feels, looks like the Kimberley and Top End roads you get being sandy, flat rock and few tree cover. I manage to ride up most 6% grade hills today and less walking. The last hill I thought would kill me but it was very gradual and before long I’m on the downhill building up speed then into Dover outskirts and on the Lyell Highway. There’s one more hill to climb and the end is on the left opposite the toilets at 2.50pm. A hot takeaway cup of tea is had from the shop to celebrate the end.


I head to the campground $25  and set up close to a bush for wind protection due to the strong wind which dies down at night. I set off for the IGA to buy some food and check out whether there was any gas cylinders to buy. There was methylated spirits but no gas and limited GF food, so choosing Devonport as the starting point was the right choice.