Day 9 Stansbury to Coobowie CP

I realise I have lost my fly net back at Port Vincent CP somehow and only realised when I left town and the CP was 1km away plus office not open till 8.00am so I am using my buff as the protection.

  A walk out of town and once again a climb up to the top of the cliff and knowing there is a road walk today that goes around the cement mine. Sure enough its a dirt road inland then diagonal road to Wool Bay out. On the corner I take a rest get as much fluids as possible. Th eroad to Wool Bay is bituman and there is no side trail so a little dangerous as cars are doing 100km but only a few cars go past and you can hear them some time away to get off the road. But im trying to get as much shade as posible so I am sticking to the left side of the road as possible.


At wool Bay some expensive houses again before heading off in the direction of the large grain silos you can see for kms at Port Giles.

A walk along the road in front there some action with grain in stockpiles is being collected by a loader onto a truck that is dumping it at the grain dumping area.


Off to a trail on the left Im meant to be on and I trip over on a rocks and log but all good. Short cut didnt work out for me safely.

The trail winds away so I head back to the road before coming to a trail to the beach and the Hickeys Point Shelter for a lunch break and water intake. I know from here its not far to Coobowie but the CP is at the far end of town. So its a long walk along a trail past the houses on the left taking foreshore position and we are on some footpath or so until I hit the pub corner and a established footpath is  there. Across the road to the CP its a spot in the open under lights but toilets close by along with the kitchen. Some relaxing time on the couch and TV as the weather is quite warm again out of the wind and plenty more cups of tea. 

I head to the shop for food and they will make me a dinner at 5.30 if I come by then so I take up the offer.


I head across the road for photos and someone is going to feed the pelicans with fish scraps and I also get a photo of some dressed up male and female in front of a house with a visitors book I have no idea who they are meant to be.


Dinner goes down a treat back at the kitchen and I get plenty of relaxing time in the Kitchen before heading to the tent for sleep.

I have a sore knee now because I have put my leg up on a table or lounge with a straight leg and it gives my meniscus some inflamation but I cannot get rid of it for the whole trip even after a rest day.