Denmark to Albany


About 83km today but going to be looking for short cuts.

The day started great, overcast, cool but not raining. Slept well last night and with the toilets close by a couple of trips during the night. Its a generally quiet caravan park with alot of cabins.

Along the rail trail for the start (Denmark Nornalup Heritage Rail Trail) with birds, the Inlet on the right with a few people walking and some cyclists. Then its a crossing of the South Coast Highway and more of the sam eon the north side of the main road until the Hay River birdge then its bituman. I decide not to turn left onto Pratts Road and continue on the main road but make a left on Belmore Road to come back on Sleeman Road past some farms on a gravel road back to the Highway. I make a right turn towards Youngs Siding.  There's a group of MTB riders getting ready for something but I keep riding. A break at the shop in the 3 house town and some cool looking letter boxes.


I give the Saide road turnoff to the right a miss and continue on the main Lower Denmark Road. Its very quiet so no problem with traffic. A left on North Road and  and take the Lower North road that travels parrallel to the main road before I turn back onto the Manin road, not taking the back roads, until I hit the Kronklup Road North towards Torbay then along the trail along the Torbay Rail line into Eleker. I go past the shop and stop at the toilets befor eheading back 100m or so back to the shop for Morning tea, not realising that was the shop at the petrol station.

A drink of gatorade as I was only carrying one today because I knew I was stopping at Youngs Siding and here but I probably needed 2 litres as I was getting hot, tired and needed some energy. I seem to start off great but after awhile lose energy and then look for short cuts to finish the day off. I guess a rest day would help the body a bit but really think I'm not fit enough at the start so its downhill from there, and I would need a few days of rest to recover not just one. 

From Elleker its past the old school and then along the road I think until a new section, not on my physical map but on the app to right turn on Bindaree Road then up up and up to the wind turbines. Lots of them and I lose count as the further I go the more that appears until the Sand Path Road appears. Along the way I see a snake that takes ages to cross the road and seemed anoyed at me getting close as it spread out its neck in anger.

Down Sand Path road and a car appears going up, past the Jail and then along Frenchman Bay Road towards town. There's roadworks at the intersection of Frenchman and Lower Denmark so the trail markers dissappear then the trail misteriously takes you up a quiet road and into town to finish off at the Tourist Centre and centre of town instead of taking the lower road to town. It looks like they moved the Visitor Centre.


A few photos and then I go into the Tousist facility and realise you sign the book to finish, I never knew.


Job done in the rain then its off uphill to Coles for food back into town to wait then up up and up to my accommodation near the South Coast highway. Its the cheapest through but its out of town. Back to Coles along the way and dry off the gear in the room and on the balcony but the 2pm showers forecasted arrives to wet my gear so they go in the room.

I have a huge steak for dinner before hitting the bed for a 8am ish bus back to Perth the following day.